The Smart Heat sensor generates the following alerts and warnings:
Low temperature warning
the sensor will generate a low temperature warning which will be sent via email and push notifications.
High temperature warning
the sensor will generate a high temperature warning which will be sent via email and push notifications. The Proactive Boat Care provider is not informed. Default value is 55°C, range from 45°C to 85°C.
Severe temperature alert
the sensor will generate a severe temperature alert which will be sent via voice call, email, SMS and push notifications. The Proactive Boat Care provider is informed. Default value is 90°C, range from 85°C to 105°C.
Rapid temperature rise
the sensor will generate a rapid temperature alert which will be sent via voice call, email, SMS and push notifications. The Proactive Boat Care provider is informed. Default value is 7°C/min, range from 5°C/min to 15°C/min.
Once the temperature returns back to normal, you will receive and email/push notification.
please note that you can enable/disable the alerts and warnings in the How to configure section.
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